Rehome Your Tortoise or Box Turtle with CTTR

Notice: we are currently Unable to accept additional animals until Spring. We are full. please check back or contact another rescue listed below!
Winter housing can be much more intensive and time consuming than in other times of the year. We are at capacity with the number of animals our current workforce can care for during the winter months. Please check back. We will open this page in March when the tortoises can be outside.
If you would like to help us increase our capacity, information on becoming a foster home can be found here.
Other rescues for rehoming and adoption are found at the bottom of this page.
We recognize that the decision to confer your shell baby to us can’t be easy, and we are deeply committed to finding your animal a perfect forever home. He or she will not leave our care until we find an adopter that meets our standards - with no exceptions!
Our goal with re-homing (adopting) is to ensure each animal finds a home in an outdoor environment in which it can thrive and live a long and happy life.
If you have found a native tortoise or turtle in need of rehabilitation, DO NOT bring it to CTTR.
CTTR rescues domestic animals and cannot rehabilitate wildlife. Instead, please consider the wildlife rescues we recommend, found on the home page.