Tour a CTTR Facility

Pflugerville Facility Tours
Central Texas Tortoise Rescue offers tours of its main facility to provide free education about tortoises.
Visitors get to see the enclosures, ask questions, learn about different tortoise and box turtle species and their care requirements, and often interact with the animals.
Tours of the main Pflugerville facility usually take 45-60 minutes.
Tours of CTTR facilities are free but donations are appreciated.
Please keep in mind this is a private residence. Some areas are off limits for tours.
THERE ARE NO PUBLIC RESTROOMS. Please use restroom facilities at a local business before arriving at the rural Pflugerville facility.
All ages are welcome at our tours. Children MUST be supervised by an accompanying adult.
Wear closed-toed shoes. Mud is common.
Bees and other stinging, biting bugs are often present.
Please let us know if you will be late or are not coming. We schedule our day around appointments, often schedule other things to other days to spend our time enjoying tortoises with you.
If you would like to actively volunteer instead of tour, please see the Volunteer page.
Bertram Facility Tours
Our Bertram facility is located at LJ Acres, another nonprofit animal care facility.
Tours of the CTTR portion of the facility are free. Tours of other portions of LJ Acres come with a small fee. CTTR does not receive these fees.
To tour the CTTR Bertram facility or LJ Acres Animal Life Center, contact Jerry at